Should I Use a 529 Plan?

Higher education costs are constantly rising, and they will most likely be one of the largest expenses you have to tackle if you have a child and plan to support their education financially. If you’re wondering if you should use a 529 plan to help ease the burden of...

3 Secrets of Really Persuasive People

You’re brimming to the rim with great ideas. You have a pitch for an amazing new product that will improve other’s lives. You have a great way to save your company immense money and time. If you’ve encountered a genius moment like this, you also know that an idea...

Why Is a Financial Checkup Important?

It may not be your favorite thing to do, but you (hopefully) schedule a checkup with your health professionals at least once a year. Even if nothing is wrong, you know it’s a wise move to check for any potential problems and make sure you’re on track towards a healthy...