5 Things You Need to Give Up to Be Happy

Many of us put the pedal to the metal when it comes to seeking happiness. We seek new things and experiences to develop a positive outlook, thinking it will come “someday” – once we get that “must have” purse or land that new job. It seems...

3 Emotional Biases to Avoid in Investing

Emotions can play a major role in your investing success. Its human nature to have feelings heavily influence your decision-making, especially when your hard-earned wealth comes into play. You can’t eliminate emotions from investing – in fact, you need to be in tune...

How Large Should Your Nest Egg be For Retirement?

When it comes to retirement, a number that’s probably of great concern to you is the size of your nest egg. Since your savings become your paycheck for the rest of your life in retirement, this number is indeed tremendously important. However, while we all know that...

Should You Invest Globally?

If you have a diverse investment portfolio of domestic stocks, bonds, and even hard assets or other classes, you’re off to an excellent start for retirement or growing your wealth. Even so, many are surprised or reluctant to hear that they’re missing out on a large...