8 Cutting-Edge Publishing Platforms Worthy of Your Company’s Marketing Spend

Jan 14, 2016 | BDE, Productivity


What are the best publishing platforms for marketing your business online?


How do you get the most out of a limited marketing budget? You research as many available tools as you can before choosing the best one for your company. The same goes for publishing platforms. But if you don’t have the time to look into every new platform out there to find the best publishing platforms for marketing, fear not! We’ve gone to the experts to find out what the best publishing platforms are and which will give you the best bang for your buck.

Question: What is one newer publishing platform you will be investing marketing dollars into utilizing in the next quarter and why?


Twitter Ads

“We’re looking into spending money to boost posts on Twitter and utilize it as a strategic advertising platform in the coming months. We use Twitter daily and have grown a great organic following. However, we believe their pay-to-play platform to grow our following, plus being able to target specific current and would-be customers, is beneficial for long-term growth on that social channel.”

LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform

“LinkedIn is now a publishing powerhouse, so it’s an ideal place to invest more marketing dollars. LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform is fantastic for long posts, and there is built-in virality among busy professionals due to the strength of LinkedIn’s network. Sponsored Updates on LinkedIn can target a user’s exact job title and employer, and LinkedIn Groups are a great way to build community.”

A Physical Event

“I’m hearing good things about an old platform called throwing a physical event. I might invest in throwing an event for our company over doing a ton of online marketing.”


“We’ve been late to the game with online video. It’s a huge platform that we haven’t had the resources to do properly. With hiring a videographer, editor and getting studio time, we’re hopeful we can get a reliable publishing schedule up and running that can put out quality content we’d like to watch on a reliable schedule.”


“I’m bullish about StackStreet, a platform for business and technology news. Catering to a Millennial audience, StackStreet offers a unique opportunity to target consumers who care about socially responsible business. While the platform continues to grow, I plan to invest resources into creating evergreen content early to drive continuous and long-term ROI.”


“InboundWriter is a pretty innovative tool with predictive analytics for content. It gauges the strength of what you’ve done and helps direct the next steps so you can better predict the success of the content before you even publish it.”

“Leadpages is on the top of our list. It is an easy and cheap way to create landing pages and embed them right into our WordPress sites. You can even plug the pages right into Facebook. We have used more expensive platforms in the past such as HubSpot, and LeadPages gets you 90 percent there for 90 percent of the cost.”


“This year, we’ve begun experimenting with SlideShare as a platform for content marketing. The results have really taken us by surprise. The beauty of the platform is twofold. Its connection with LinkedIn makes it a perfect tool for ranking on search engines while its strong visual component appeals to the public’s attention span and interest level. More to come next year!”


What do you think is the best publishing platform for marketing your company online? Which tools do you like? Which don’t you like? Let us know!
Business Collective, launched in partnership with Citi, is a virtual mentorship program powered by North America’s most ambitious young thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners.
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