Earn, do and be more

Some Simple Investments for Beginners

Diving into investing can be complex and intimidating at first. Rather than jumping straight into the deep end, you can start with some simple investments for beginners. As a first-time investor, consider adding these to your roster: Utilize a...

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Why Every Investor Needs an Emergency Fund

Its might surprise you to learn that one of the smartest money moves you can make is to leave a portion of your wealth in a savings account. Although your wealth is earning minuscule interest rates (generally less than 1 percent), and technically...

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5 Surefire Ways to Boost Momentum During the Workday

While coffee may be everyone’s saving grace at four p.m. on a workday, sometimes it just doesn’t do the trick. You may feel physically more awake, however your mindset isn’t where it should be. Sometimes a shift in mentality toward the positive, or...

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Some Overlooked Benefits of Long Term Investments

Whether you’ve just began investing or have years of experience, the myriad of paths you can take can be overwhelming and confusing.  There’s a sea of investments you can choose from, and almost as many different strategies. I’ve spoken about the...

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Investing Mistakes Boomers Can Make Before Retirement

Studies show that a massive amount of baby boomers are retiring this year, and that many of them are completely underprepared for retirement. If you’re a baby boomer, you can avoid the same pitfall facing millions in your generation. Here some...

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3 Investing Myths Debunked

At face value, investing can be confusing enough to the average investor, but with some widely accepted myths thrown in the mix, it can become a disaster. With that in mind, here some very common (and harmful) investing myths debunked: The right...

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3 Awesome Ways to Make Your Habits Stick

The internet (and our site!) is chock full of awesome habits that can shift your life towards success. As you probably know, this is easier said than done. When life gets in the way, there are tons of things that can turn our successful habits into...

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How to Close the Retirement Gap

Sometimes, planning for retirement can be more of a sprint than a marathon. If you’ve procrastinated for retirement, bridging the gap between what you needed to save and what you have saved can appear to be an impossible scramble. Thankfully, there...

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2 Ways Your Emotions Can Harm Your Investments

When it comes to your wealth, emotions can be very harmful. Although it’s fine to make an occasional purchase based on emotions, feelings often innocuously steer us towards danger when it comes to the stock market. But just like you can become more...

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Some Rules for Retirement You Can Break

Rules of thumb exist everywhere. Sometimes, these rules can be incredibly helpful, like when you’re cooking a delicious dish. In other cases, like when you’re planning for retirement, these rules can become incredibly harmful. Everyone’s retirement...

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3 Painless Ways to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

You’ve definitely been told at various points in your life that you need to break out of your comfort zone and try something new. Maybe you’ve been at a restaurant and have been nervous to try a new dish. Maybe you’ve been in the same position at...

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2 Simple Secrets of Great Investors

The stock market can sometimes appear to be incredibly confusing and murky. However, being a successful investor doesn’t involve a magic potion.  Contrary to what the media or Wall Street might tell you, much of successful investing involves some...

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