Earn, do and be more
An Overlooked Way to Save and Invest More of Your Wealth
Although setting aside more of your wealth and investing is an excellent goal, it’s often easier said than done. Everything from juggling the costs of your children to simply paying the monthly bills can chip away at the excess wealth you want to...
Some Important Financial Discussions to Have Before Marriage
Although marriage is indeed a union, it doesn’t mean your finances automatically mesh together. That’s why it’s important for couples to have the right financial discussions before getting married. By aligning your financial goals and needs, you...
How Should You Invest With an Empty Nest?
After your children have left the house for good and moved on into adulthood, you may find yourself with an influx of additional wealth (as well as free time). Although spending the additional free time is completely up to your discretion, there...
3 Mental Workouts That Will Make You Ultra-Successful
SoulCycle has become a national obsession, and Fitbits are becoming more popular than regular watches. If you’re also part of the fitness craze – kudos! It’s one of the healthiest things you can do in your spare time. But can you say the same thing...
Are You Prepared for Retirement?
“Are you prepared for retirement?” is a question millions of Americans ask themselves every year. Even if you’ve already began saving and prepping for your golden years (kudos), you’ve probably had the same question rattle around in your own head...
How to Make the Power of Compound Interest Work for You
It is no wonder that compound interest has been referred to as the Eighth Wonder of the World. Over time, just an incremental increase in your rate of return can have a magnificent impact on the value of your savings. Compound interest may not be...
How Hindsight Bias Can Affect Your Investing
Whether it’s discussing the results of a sports game or interpreting world events on national TV, we’re constantly inundated with people saying “I told you so.” This plays out in a big way in investing. Tune to any news channel, and you’ll most...
How to Shift Your Thinking Towards Success
3 Ways to Shift Your Thinking Towards Success More than anything, your thinking plays a huge part in your achievements. For instance, if Sara Blakely thought rejection was the end of the road, she would have never became the world’s youngest female...
How the Sandwich Generation Can Plan for Retirement
More and more individuals are falling into what’s known as the sandwich generation and seeing financial problems arise as a result. This generation is the aptly named group that’s sandwiched between obligations to care for both their children and...
How Investors Should React to Global Events
You’ve most likely heard plenty of buzz about the “Brexit” - an upcoming vote that decides if Britain leaves or stays in the EU. When major global events like these crop up, you also most likely have some concerns about investing, and have probably...
Some Investment Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Making mistakes is often part of the learning process. However, when it comes to investing, this can be an incredibly expensive lesson. With that in mind, we’ve compiled some investment mistakes you need to avoid: Buying stocks on unfounded tips...
4 Daily Decisions That Will Make You More Successful
Anyone who has ever been on a diet can attest that much of a diet's success has to do with making the right decisions constantly. However, during a busy workday, there are a million and a half things that are out of our control all the time. That's...