Earn, do and be more

3 Retirement Financial Surprises to Watch Out For

By nature, retirement is something completely foreign to those of us still working. So, at least, financially, many are blindsided by surprises when they hit their golden years. Everything from unexpected expenses to major shifts in financial needs...

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5 Powerful Ways to Restore Your Confidence

All you need is confidence, and the doors of opportunity will burst wide open. After all, you need to believe in yourself before anyone else will. However, having unshakable confidence can be easier said than done. When you’re living boldly, there...

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How To Retire Early

Even if you do enjoy your career, you’ve most likely day-dreamed about retiring early. And although starting your golden years ahead of schedule might seem like a dream, there are some ways to turn this into a reality through savvy investing. If...

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How Can Small Business Owners Prepare for Retirement?

Whether it’s keeping the company afloat or finding new employees, small business owners have plenty on their plate. So although it’s disappointing, it isn’t very surprising that many small business owners are facing a retirement crisis due to the...

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How to Invest Like a Millionaire

If you want to invest like a millionaire, here’s the good news: There are no top-secret action plans needed. When you figure out their investing recipe, you’ll find out the habits that helped millionaires achieve their status are actually quite...

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3 Smart Ways to Make Your Retirement Savings Last

Thanks to huge advances in healthcare and science, we’re living longer than ever on average. While this is great news for humanity as a whole, it also gives some reason for financial worry. With all these advances, your retirement savings are...

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Should Market Uncertainty Affect How You Invest?

Due to the upcoming presidential election (among a plethora of other factors), you might be asking "how should I invest during times of market uncertainty?" After all, it’s a natural instinct to want to change your plan if the underlying conditions...

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5 5-Minute Habits of The Wealthy and Successful

It may have taken a while for wealthy and successful individuals to get to their place in life, but it all started with some tiny habits. Money is tied to almost all of our decisions, and it’s those minuscule daily choices that can snowball into...

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3 Smart Year-End Moves to Protect Your Retirement

Believe it or not, the New Year is fast approaching. But if you haven’t yet gotten your retirement ducks in order for 2016, it’s not too late. Here are some smart year-end moves to protect your retirement: Take advantage of retirement catch-up...

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